Unilever Nepal Limited Proposes Massive 1714% Cash Dividend for Fiscal Year 2080/81
Wed, Sep 25, 2024 8:53 PM on Dividend, Bonus & Rights, Latest,

Unilever Nepal Limited (UNL) has proposed the dividend for the fiscal year 2080/81.
The 185th Board of Directors meeting of Unilever Nepal Limited was held in a virtual manner i.e. (video call via Microsoft Team Site) on Friday, 9 Asoj 2081 (25th September 2024). The Board of Directors have approved the audited Annual Accounts of the Company for FY 2080/81 and thereby has recommended dividend distribution of NPR 1,714 per equity share out of the profit available for appropriation.
28th Asoj 2081 to 12th Kartik 2081 is the book closure date. Thus, shareholders maintained before that day are entitled to the dividend payout. As of writing, UNL has an LTP of Rs. 50,398.90.
Dividend History: