Womi Laghubitta and Grameen Swayamsewak Laghubitta to Commence Joint Operation from Chaitra 03
Wed, Mar 3, 2021 11:55 AM on Latest, Merger/Acquistion,

After completion of the merger procedures, the joint transaction of Womi Laghubitta and Grameen Swayamsewak Laghubitta will commence from 3rd Chaitra. The two companies will carry out the joint operation under the name Womi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited.
After Womi Laghubitta signed a Merger Agreement with Grameen Swayamsewak Laghubitta, its trading was halted from September 13, 2020. Meanwhile, Grameen Swayamsewak Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha is a "D" class financial institution (microfinance company) operational in Sarlahi, Ward no. 11. The company is not yet listed in the NEPSE.
Now that the agreement is signed, the company has approved the release of its halted shares for trading. However, note that the shares will be tradable only from the next trading session after NEPSE officially issues a release notice.