Yet another relay hunger strike in NEPSE! Will investors get their demand fulfilled this time?

Mon, Mar 25, 2019 3:55 PM on External Media, Latest, Stock Market,

On Sunday, Investors’ Pressure Group locked up the gates of SEBON. SEBON was locked up for almost three hours on the same day and later security force imposed power to unlock SEBON. The event was itself perceived as a warning to authorities in stock market from Investors’ Pressure Group. Today, investors flew black balloons, announcing relay hunger strike. This is the second time that Investors’ Pressure Group has undertaken relay hunger strike, this year.

Earlier, Investors’ Pressure Group had submitted 32 demands in order to develop the capital market. However, as per Investors’ Pressure Group, regulatory bodies did not respond to the demanded points so, the group has been forced to retake the relay hunger strike. Previously, Ministry of Finance also had formed a committee to study Nepalese Stock Market and presented 58 major problems in the capital market. Investors’ Pressure Group further confirmed most of these 58 points are also not addressed.  

Moreover, representatives from Investors’ Pressure Group will be staying in relay hunger strike within the premises of NEPSE so, employees have been prohibited to enter NEPSE.

One of the many reasons for the rigorous strike from investors is because of several glitches seen in NEPSE’s website. The technical errors have not been addressed as of now. Even few minutes ago, a technical error was seen on the website. Here is a snapshot of the same.