NEPSE lists 16.55 crore units of two mutual funds; 30 lakh units of NIC Asia Debenture also gets listed

Mon, Apr 16, 2018 9:57 AM on Latest, Mutual Fund, Share Listed, Stock Market,

Nepal Stock Exchange has listed 16.55 crore units of Citizens Mutual Fund 1 and NIC Asia Growth Fund along with 30 lakh unit 9% NIC Asia debentures. The unitholders can now engage in transaction of the units in the secondary market.

NEPSE has listed 8,20,00,000 units of Citizens Mutual Fund-1 (CMF1) for trading. The fund is a 7 year close end mutual fund which amounts to Rs 82 crore.

Similarly, NEPSE has also listed 8,35,20,000 units of NIC Asia Growth Fund (NICAGF). The fund is also a 7 year close end mutual fund scheme which amounts to Rs 83 crore.

Likewise, 30 lakh unit of 9% NIC Asia debenture have also been listed by the stock exchange. The debentures are worth Rs 30 crore providing interest in a semi annual basis.